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Road Map of the Etosha National Park
Overall Rating: 3 Stars
Map Accuracy: 5 Stars
Scale: 3cm = 50km


The Road Map of Etosha National Park is a simple and adequate map. The map is hand drawn, filled in with shaded colors that look as if they have been drawn with crayons. The road infrastructure within Etosha is not complex and, given the expanse of the park, there are relatively few roads. Waterholes, rest camps, and other facilities are clearly marked and easy to identify. Each section of road is posted with the distance between intersections in kilometers. The map is decorated with a multitude of hand drawn animals. There are two cutouts in the map, one a map showing the vegetation zones within the park and another showing Etosha's location relative to the rest of Namibia. At the bottom of the map there is a handy kilometer chart, giving the distances between Etosha and the major cities around the country. The back of the Map is filled with a generous amount of information on Etosha. It has sections detailing the geography of the park, landmarks, prime game viewing areas, animals, vegetation, and rest camps. The sections are brief and succinct, but do provide useful information. The Road Map of Etosha National Park is a quality map, however, most of the information can be found in guidebooks and other resources the traveler may already posses.


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