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Silent Thunder: In the Presence of Elephants
Katy Payne
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Penguin Books (September 1, 1999)
ISBN: 0140285962
Overall Rating: 3 Stars
Readability: 2 Stars
Content: 3 Stars
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Silent Thunderis at times a struggle to read. Katy Payne is an elephant researcher, specializing in long distance subsonic elephant communication. The book tends to be a bit erratic, jumping randomly from Payne's childhood in Pennsylvania, to Namibia, Kenya, and Zimbabwe. Silent Thunder becomes tedious when Payne explores her roots in Pennsylvania, mostly because her anecdotes don't mesh well with her descriptions of elephant research. However, her theories on subsonic elephant communication are fascinating and pull the reader through the dull sections of the book. This book would greatly compliment a safari in Africa, enlightening the reader on one of the least understood methods of elephant communication.


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